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Neurocognitive Training


Neuro – detecting of brainwave
Cognitive – neuro processes that encompass attention, perception, learning, and problem solving.

Improved Executive Function of the brain can be achieved through strengthening our cognitive processes.


Neuro – detecting of brainwave
Cognitive – neuro processes that encompass attention, perception, learning, and problem solving.

Improved Executive Function of the brain can be achieved through strengthening our cognitive processes.

BrainX applies scientifically proven technology (Tuft school of Medicine, US) that measures brain activities and gives indication of attention levels. Through controlling the games with their minds, students will exercise their brains and strengthen the “brain muscle”.

All programs are personalized to the individual’s unique character, with the built in AI algorithm we will tract the progress and optimize the executive function training program. As an outcome of the training program, we help to transform the life of countless children and adults.

BrainX will improve...

Academic Improvement, Work Performance & Quality of Life.
Thinking Speed
Logic Reasoning
Timing & Coordination
Emotional Regulation
Social Skills
Problem Solving




Training :
An exercise to extend one’s attention span and to remain focus for longer period of time.

Real life scenario:
The ability to sustain attention is essential in all daily normative function. For example, classroom, work…

Eye Tracking

Eye Tracking

Training :
To train one’s ability to sustain attention on a moving target

Real life scenario:
In a classroom environment where students have to maintain visual contact with their teacher for an extended period.

Time Management

Time Management

Training :
To Improve one’s ability to complete tasks within certain timeframe and manage to stay away from distractions.

Real life scenario:
Students who are tasked to complete homework within a reasonable amount of time.

Short term Memory

Short term Memory

Training :
Enhance the ability to absorb sequences of “chunk” of data, and hold them in the brain long enough to carry out the tasks.

Real life scenario:
Short term Memory is essential for tasks like remembering multi-steps directions.

Discriminatory processing

Discriminatory processing

Training :
The exercise enhances the ability to mentally discriminate between incoming stimuli very quickly, allowing you to pay attention to what you want to, while filtering out distractions.

Real life scenario:
The ability to perceive, prioritise and respond to the innumerable stimuli like phones, incoming messages, notifications, etc has become a crucial skillset in today’s world

Active Listening

Active Listening

Training :
An exercise to improve one’s ability to receive information and instruction from diverse sources, hence give responsive reactions

Real life scenario:
Being able to take verbal instructions from teachers, supervisor, parent and respond accordingly.

Hand-eye coordination

Hand-eye coordination

Training :
Improving the ability of the vision system to coordinate the information received through the eyes to control, guide, and direct the hands in the accomplishment of a given task

Real life scenario:
Improve actions that involve fine motor skills such as handwriting, sports, and simple tasks like brushing your hair or making a cup of tea.

Social skill

Social skill

Training :
Improves the ability to recognize and respond to social expressions, facial cues, and body language, allowing more effective personal interaction with others.

Real life scenario:
Allowing one to be more sensitive to different social cues, easing the anxiety of making and keeping friends.

Spatial memory

Spatial memory

Training :
Improve one’s ability to remember where an object is located or where an event occurred.

Real life scenario:
Able to remember where you left your books or your keys at home.

Working memory

Working memory

Training :
Strengthen the ability to retain and manipulate information needed to do complex task such as reasoning, comprehension and learning – even amidst distraction.

Real life scenario:
Being able to solve problems, find new solutions, stay focused on a task, block out distractions, and do mental arithmetic.



Training :
Real time monitoring of ones’ mental state and improving the effectiveness of each mindfulness session.

Real life scenario:
Practicing mindfulness will help relieve stress and improve mental health.

Transfer of Skills Learned

Transfer of Skills Learned

Training :
All the other cognitive skills being developed in the program will be transferred to real life applications with this exercise.


We understand that some of us are more emotionally sensitive than others. Kids or adults with more intense and long-lasting emotions or anxiety often find themselves benefiting from having the ability to understand and manage their own behaviour and reactions better.

BrainX, in a systematic approach, provides tools to help regulate reactions to strong emotions like frustration, excitement, anger and embarrassment. It facilitates self-reflection and induces intrinsic motivation to change one’s behaviour, ranging from oppositional behaviour to hyperactivity to simple daydreaming.

How does Neurocognitive training differ from other Neurofeedback system commonly used in the market?

BrainX Neurocognitive training provides an INTERACTIVE communication bridge and training experience for your brain. The technology extracts and displays real-time data of the brain waves and translates that into readable visual presentations which accurately provides feedback of your attention level at any given time. Taking advantage of the given data, students can work on improving their attentive state though a series of specially designed games and programs. The experience can be visualized as taking your brain to attend a “brain-gym” and build up its muscle.
The other Neurofeedback technology, however, measures brain waves and provides either a positive or negative feedback signal, via audio or video. It can be seen as a PASSIVE feedback system.


– Individual
– Professional
– School

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– Attention Deficient
– Academic Issues

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